This accredited VicRoads program is designed for those who have held a current Victorian Motorcycle Learner Permit, for a minimum of 3 months, have successfully completed a Check Ride program, and are wishing to obtain their Probationary Motorcycle Licence. Relevant Vic Roads testing criteria for skills and practical riding must be reached to a competent standard prior to undertaking the on-road assessment.
1:1 (maximum)
Participants must: Hold a current Victorian motorcycle learner permit and have held it for at least three months continuously.
Participants will be tested as required by Vic Roads to receive their motorcycle Rider Probationary Licence. Participants will undergo a riding skill assessment prior to commencement of the On Road Riding Assessment.
Please note: Student tuition fees as published are subject to change
given individual circumstances at enrolment.
Course Fees are to be paid in full at the time of booking to secure a position
in the course.
Bookings cancellation and refunds, refer to Aust-Link refund